South Carolina has 6 Congressional Districts and 46 counties, 33 of the counties are within one CD and 13 counties are split between more than one CD.
UNDIVIDED COUNTIES: (Counties wholly within one Congressional District):
- CD # 1: Georgetown, Horry. (2)
- CD # 2: Allendale, Barnwell, Hampton, Jasper, Lexington. (5)
- CD # 3: Abbeville, Anderson, Edgefield, Greenwood, McCormick, Oconee,
Pickens, Saluda. (8)
- CD # 4: Greenville, Spartanburg, Union. (3)
- CD # 5: Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Dillon, Fairfield, Kershaw,
Lancaster, Marlboro, Newberry, York.(10)
- CD # 6: Bamberg, Clarendon, Florence, Marion, Williamsburg. (5)
DIVIDED COUNTIES (Counties with portions in more than one Congressional
- Aiken:CD2 and CD3
- Beaufort: CD2 and CD6
- Berkeley: CD1 and CD6
- Calhoun: CD2 and CD6
- Charleston: CD1 and CD6 (the City of Charleston is in CD 1)
- Colleton: CD2 and CD6
- Darlington: CD5 and CD6
- Dorchester: CD1 and CD6
- Laurens: CD3 and CD4
- Lee: CD5 and CD6
- Orangeburg: CD2 and CD6
- Richland: CD2 and CD6 (Columbia, the state capital, is right on the
boundary between these two Congressional Districts)
- Sumter: CD5 and CD6