The Green Papers: 2012 General Election
Copyright 112th Congress
House Seats by State

This is a list of the current House seats and the incumbents occupying them. All 435 of these seats are up for election on 6 November 2012.

There have been 0 deaths, 11 resignations, and 0 changes of party affiliation in the 112th House.

  • Congressman Christopher J. "Chris" Lee (Republican, New York CD 26) resigned on 9 February 2011 amid scandal.
  • Congressman Jane Harman (Democratic, California CD 36) resigned on 28 February 2011 to become the President and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
  • Congressman Dean Heller (Republican, Nevada CD 2) resigned on 3 May 2011 after being appointed to the state's Class 1 U.S. Senate Seat.
  • Congressman Jay R. Inslee (Democratic, Washington CD 1) resigned on 20 March 2012 to devote his full-time to his candidacy for Washington Governor.
  • Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (Democratic, New York CD 9) announced his resignation on 16 June 2011 amid scandal. Officially resigned 21 June.
  • Congressman Janice Hahn (Democratic, California CD 36) was elected to Congress in a 12 July 2011 special election and sworn on 19 July.
  • Congressman David Wu (Democratic, Oregon CD 1) resigned on 3 August 2011 amid scandal.
  • Congressman Mark Eugene Amodei (Republican, Nevada CD 2) was elected to Congress in a 13 September 2011 special election and sworn on 15 September.
  • Congressman Robert L. "Bob" Turner (Republican, New York CD 9) was elected to Congress in a 13 September 2011 special election and sworn on 15 September.
  • Congressman Gabrielle "Gabby" Giffords (Democratic, Arizona CD 8) resigned 25 January 2012 to recover from a gunshot wound received at an 8 January 2011 constituent meeting.
  • Congressman Suzanne Bonamici (Democratic, Oregon CD 1) was elected to Congress in a 31 January 2012 special election. Sworn on 7 February 2012.
  • Congressman Ron Barber (Democratic, Arizona CD 8) was elected to Congress in a 12 June 2012 special election and sworn on 19 June 2012.
  • Congressman Thaddeus G. "Thad" McCotter (Republican, Michigan CD 11) resigned 6 July 2012 following issues with his primary nomination petitions.
  • Congressman Geoffrey C. "Geoff" Davis (Republican, Kentucky CD 4) resigned 31 July 2012 due to a family health issue.
  • Congressman Dennis A. Cardoza (Democratic, California CD 18), citing family needs, resigned on 14 August 2012 effective 15 August.
  • Congressman David A. "Dave" Curson (Democratic, Michigan CD 11) was elected to Congress in a 6 November 2012 special election and sworn on 13 November.
  • Congressman Donald M. Payne, Jr. (Democratic, New Jersey CD 10, son of the late Congressman Donald M. Payne) was elected to Congress in a 6 November 2012 special election.
  • Congressman Suzan Kay DelBene (Democratic, Washington CD 1) was elected to Congress in a 6 November 2012 special election and sworn on 13 November.
  • Congressman Thomas H. Massie (Republican, Kentucky CD 4) was elected to Congress in a 6 November 2012 special election and sworn on 13 November.
  • Congressman Jesse Louis Jackson, Jr. (Democratic, Illinois CD 2) resigned on 21 November 2012 amid scandal-- officially stating "to focus on restoring my health".
  • Congressman Bob Filner, Jr. (Democratic, California CD 51) resigned on 3 December 2012 having been elected Mayor of San Diego on 6 November 2012.

  Alabama    Alaska    Arizona    Arkansas    California    Colorado    Connecticut    Delaware    Florida    Georgia    Hawaii    Idaho    Illinois    Indiana    Iowa    Kansas    Kentucky    Louisiana    Maine    Maryland    Massachusetts    Michigan    Minnesota    Mississippi    Missouri    Montana    Nebraska    Nevada    New Hampshire    New Jersey    New Mexico    New York    North Carolina    North Dakota    Ohio    Oklahoma    Oregon    Pennsylvania    Rhode Island    South Carolina    South Dakota    Tennessee    Texas    Utah    Vermont    Virginia    Washington    West Virginia    Wisconsin    Wyoming 

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Alabama  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 6 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Josiah Robins "Jo" Bonner, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Martha Roby
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael "Mike" Rogers
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert Brown Aderholt
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1996
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Morris J. "Mo" Brooks, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Spencer T. Bachus, III
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1992
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012

Alaska  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Don E. Young
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 6 March 1973- in a Special Election re: the presumed death of Congressman Nick Begich in a plane crash, 16 October 1972 (Congressman Begich was re-elected to the House of the 93rd Congress, 7 November 1972, before he was declared legally dead and his seat thereby declared vacant)
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 28 August 2012 Primary

Arizona  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 5 Republican, 3 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Paul Anthony Gosar
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 28 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Gosar is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 4.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Trent Franks
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 28 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Franks is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 8.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Ben Quayle
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Lost Primary / No Longer Running - 28 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Quayle is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 6.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman David Schweikert
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 28 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Schweikert is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 6.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jeff Flake
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 14 February 2011: Announced that he will run for the U.S. Class 1 Senate Seat in 2012.

Arkansas  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 3 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Eric Alan "Rick" Crawford
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 22 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Timothy "Tim" Griffin
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 22 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Stephen A. "Steve" Womack
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 22 May 2012 Primary

California  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 32 Democratic, 19 Republican, 2 Vacancies

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Walter William "Wally" Herger, Jr.
First elected: 1986
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 10 January 2012: Announced retirement.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Daniel E. "Dan" Lungren
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary
Congressman Lungren is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 7.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas "Tom" McClintock
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 19
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jeff Denham
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary
Congressman Denham is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 10.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 21
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Devin Gerald Nunes
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Nunes is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 22.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 22
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman McCarthy is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 23.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 24
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Elton Gallegly
First elected: 1986
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 6 January 2012: Congressman Gallegly announces that he will not seek re-election. "The decision to step aside at this time did not come lightly. But in the end, Janice and I decided now was the right time to begin the next chapter in our lives."

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 25
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1992
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 26
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman David Dreier
First elected: 1980
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 29 February 2012: "... the American people are asking for change in Congress, and so I'm announcing today that I will leave the Congress at the end of this year..."
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 40
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Edward R. "Ed" Royce
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1992
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Royce is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 39.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 41
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis
First elected: 1978
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 12 January 2012: "After months of consultation with loved ones and family, my wife Arlene and I have decided to retire from public life."
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 42
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Gary G. Miller
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1998
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Miller is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 31.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 44
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Kenneth S. "Ken" Calvert
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1992
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary
Congressman Calvert is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 42.
 ** Incumbents running against one another **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 45
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Mary Bono Mack
First elected: 7 April 1998- in Special Election re: death of Congressman Sonny Bono, 5 January 1998.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Bono Mack is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 36.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 46
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1988
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Rohrabacher is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 48.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 48
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John B. T. Campbell, III
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election: 6 December 2005 (to fill the vacant seat of Congressman Christopher Cox who became Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission)
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Campbell is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 45.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 49
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Darrell Edward Issa
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 50
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Brian Phillip Bilbray
First elected 6 June 2006 in a special election to replace Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Bilbray is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 52.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 52
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Duncan Duane Hunter
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - won one of "Top Two" positions in 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Hunter is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 50.

Colorado  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 3 Democratic, 4 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Scott Randall Tipton
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Cory Scott Gardner
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Douglas L. "Doug" Lamborn
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael "Mike" Coffman
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary

Connecticut  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 5 Democratic

Delaware  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Democratic

Florida  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 19 Republican, 6 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jefferson B. "Jeff" Miller
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected 16 October 2001 - in a Special Election re: the resignation of Congressman Joe Scarborough 6 September 2001.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William Steve "Steve" Southerland, II
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Ander M. Crenshaw
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Richard B. "Rich" Nugent
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Nugent is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 11.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Clifford Bundy "Cliff" Stearns
First elected: 1988
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Lost Primary / No Longer Running - Congressman Stearns is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 3.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John L. Mica
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1992
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Daniel "Dan" Webster
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Webster is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 10.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Gus Michael Bilirakis
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Bilirakis is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 12.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman C.W. "Bill" Young
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1970
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary
Congressman Young is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 13.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 12
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Dennis Alan Ross
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
15 February 2012: Congressman Ross is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 15.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 13
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Vernon "Vern" Buchanan
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Buchanan is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 16.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 14
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Connie Mack, IV
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 25 March 2011: Congressman Mack WILL NOT be a candidate for the Senate in 2011.
26 October 2011: Update- Media reports state Congressman Mack WILL be a candidate for the Senate in 2011.
28 November 2011: Announced his candidacy for the Florida Class 1 Senate seat in 2012.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 15
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William "Bill" Posey
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Posey is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 8.
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 16
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas Joseph "Tom" Rooney
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary
Congressman Rooney is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 17.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 18
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a Special Election, 29 August 1989, re: death of Congressman Claude Pepper, 30 May 1989
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Ros-Lehtinen is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 27.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 21
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Diaz-Balart is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 25.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 22
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Allen Bernard West
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary
Congressman West is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 18.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 24
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Sandra "Sandy" Adams
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Lost Primary / No Longer Running - Lost 14 August Primary
Congressman Adams was a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 7.
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 25
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman David Rivera
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Rivera is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 26.

Georgia  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 8 Republican, 5 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Heddens "Jack" Kingston
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1992
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Lynn Acton Westmoreland
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas Edmunds "Tom" Price
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William Robert "Rob" Woodall, III
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman James Austin "Austin" Scott
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Thomas "Tom" Graves, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election (to fill the vacant seat of Congressman Nathan Deal, Republican) 8 June 2010.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary.
Congressman Graves is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 14.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Paul Collins Broun, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election: 17 July 2007 to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Charles Whitlow "Charlie" Norwood.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 11
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Phillip "Phil" Gingrey
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 31 July 2012 Primary

Hawaii  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Democratic

Idaho  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Raúl Rafael Labrador
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 15 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael Keith "Mike" Simpson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1998
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 15 May 2012 Primary

Illinois  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 7 Democratic, 11 Republican, 1 Vacancy

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Peter J. Roskam
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Joe Walsh
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert James "Bob" Dold, Jr.
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 11
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary.
Congressman Kinzinger is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 16.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 13
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Judy Biggert
First elected: 1998
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary.
Congressman Biggert is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 11.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 14
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Randall M. "Randy" Hultgren
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 15
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Timothy V. "Tim" Johnson
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 4 April 2012: Announce his retirement.
20 March 2012: Renominated by Primary for re-election in the new CD # 13.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 16
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Donald A. Manzullo
First elected: 1992
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Lost Primary / No Longer Running - 20 March 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 17
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert Todd "Bobby" Schilling
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 18
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Aaron Jon Schock
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 19
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John M. Shimkus
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1996
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 20 March 2012 Primary.
Congressman Shimkus is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 15.

Indiana  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 3 Democratic, 6 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Marlin A. Stutzman
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected to a partial term in a special election (to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Mark Edward Souder [Republican]): 2 November 2010. First elected to a full term: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Theodore Edward "Todd" Rokita
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Danny L. "Dan" Burton
First elected: 1982
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 31 January 2012: Announced retirement.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Mike Pence
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 5 May 2011: Candidate for Governor in 2012
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Larry D. Bucshon
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Todd Christopher Young
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Iowa  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 3 Democratic, 2 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas P. "Tom" Latham
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1994
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Latham is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 3.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Steven A. "Steve" King
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman King is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 4.

Kansas  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 4 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Timothy A. "Tim" Huelskamp
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Lynn Jenkins
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Kevin W. Yoder
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael Richard "Mike" Pompeo
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Kentucky  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 4 Republican, 2 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Wayne Edward "Ed" Whitfield
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1994
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 22 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Steven Brett "Brett" Guthrie
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 22 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas H. Massie
First elected: 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Special Election - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Special Election
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Special Election

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Harold Dallas "Hal" Rogers
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1980
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 22 May 2012 Primary

Louisiana  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 6 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Stephen J. "Steve" Scalise
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election 3 May 2008 to fill the vacancy re: Congresman Piyush "Bobby" Jindal election as Governor
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 6 November 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jeffrey M. "Jeff" Landry
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 6 November 2012.
Vote totals reflect 8 December 2012 runoff election.
 ** Incumbents running against one another **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Calvin Fleming, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 6 November 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Rodney M. Alexander
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002 as a Democrat. Switched to Republican August 2004.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 6 November 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William "Bill" Cassidy
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 6 November 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Congressman Boustany is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 3.

Maine  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Democratic

Maryland  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Republican, 6 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Andrew P. "Andy" Harris
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 3 April 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett, Jr.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 3 April 2012 Primary

Massachusetts  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 10 Democratic

Michigan  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 8 Republican, 7 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Daniel J. "Dan" Benishek
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William P. "Bill" Huizenga
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Justin Amash
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman David Lee "Dave" Camp
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary.
circa 28 July 2012: Diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Frederick Stephen "Fred" Upton
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Timothy L. "Tim" Walberg
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael J. "Mike" Rogers
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Candice S. Miller
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Special Election - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 11
Seat up for election
Special Election
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Special Election - On 10 July 2012, Governor Rick Snyder (Republican) called a Wednesday 5 September Special Primary Election and a Tuesday 6 November Special General Election to fill the vacant 112th Congressional seat of Congressman Thaddeus G. "Thad" McCotter (Republican) who resigned on 6 July 2012. The winner will serve from November 2012 through the beginning of January 2013.

Minnesota  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 4 Democratic, 4 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Paul Kline, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Erik Paulsen
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michele M. Bachmann
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary
13 June 2011: Announced she is a candidate for President in 2012 (but ultimately failed to win the Republican Presidential Nomination)

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Raymond J. "Chip" Cravaack
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Mississippi  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 3 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Patrick Alan "Alan" Nunnelee
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Gregg Harper
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Steven McCarty Palazzo
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 13 March 2012

Missouri  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 3 Democratic, 6 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William Todd "Todd" Akin
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 17 May 2011: Candidate for the Senate Class 1 seat in 2012.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Vicky Jo Hartzler
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Samuel B. "Sam" Graves, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Billy Long
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jo Ann Emerson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 7 August 2012 Primary.
6 November 2012: Re-elected.
3 December 2012: Announced her resignation effective in February 2013 when she assumes the role of President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman W. Blaine Luetkemeyer
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 7 August 2012 Primary.
Congressman Luetkemeyer is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 3.

Montana  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Dennis Ray "Denny" Rehberg
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 1 February 2011: Media reports Congressman Rehberg is running for the Class 1 Senate Seat in 2012.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Nebraska  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 3 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jeffrey Lane "Jeff" Fortenberry
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 15 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Lee Terry
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1998
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 15 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Adrian M. Smith
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 15 May 2012 Primary

Nevada  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Democratic, 2 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Mark Eugene Amodei
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a Special Election: 13 September 2011 re: appointment of Congressman Dean Heller (Republican) to the U.S. Senate
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Joseph John "Joe" Heck
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

New Hampshire  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Frank C. Guinta
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 11 September 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Charles F. "Charlie" Bass
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 11 September 2012 Primary

New Jersey  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 7 Democratic, 6 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1994
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jon Runyan
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Christopher H. "Chris" Smith
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Ernest Scott "Scott" Garrett
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Leonard Lance
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 11
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1994
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

New Mexico  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Democratic, 1 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Stevan E. "Steve" Pearce
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

New York  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 21 Democratic, 8 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Peter T. "Pete" King
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman King is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 2.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert L. "Bob" Turner
First elected: 13 September 2011 re: resignation of Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (Democratic)
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 13 March 2012: Congressman Turner is a candidate for the U.S. Senate Class 1 seat.
26 June 2012: Congressman Turner lost the Senate primary.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 13
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael G. "Mike" Grimm
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Grimm is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 11.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 19
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Nan Hayworth
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Hayworth is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 18.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 20
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Christopher Patrick "Chris" Gibson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Gibson is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 19.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 24
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Richard L. Hanna
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary
Congressman Hanna is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 22.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 25
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Ann Marie Buerkle
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Buerkle is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 24.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 29
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas W. "Tom" Reed, II
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election (to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Eric J. J. Massa (Democratic): 2 November 2010; re-elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary.
Congressman Reed is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 23.

North Carolina  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 7 Democratic, 6 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Renee Jacisin Ellmers
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Walter B. Jones, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 1994
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Virginia Foxx
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Howard "Howard" Coble
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Suellen "Sue" Myrick
First elected: 1994
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 7 February 2012: "After thoughtful discussion with my family, I have decided not to run for another term in Congress."
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Patrick Timothy McHenry
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

North Dakota  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Richard A. "Rick" Berg
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 16 May 2011: Congressman Berg announced that he will run for the Senate Class 1 Seat in 2012.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Ohio  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 13 Republican, 5 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Steven J. "Steve" Chabot
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jeannette H. "Jean" Schmidt
Elected in a Special Election, 2 August 2005, held to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Rob Portman in order to become U.S. Trade Representative, 29 April 2005
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Lost Primary / No Longer Running - 6 March 2012
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael R. "Mike" Turner
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary: Congressman Turner is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 10.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman James D. "Jim" Jordan
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2006
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert Edward "Bob" Latta
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election (re: death of Congressman Paul E. Gillmor): 11 December 2007
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Bill Johnson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Steve C. Austria
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 31 December 2011: Retiring

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John A. Boehner
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 12
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Patrick J. "Pat" Tiberi
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 14
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Steven C. "Steve" LaTourette
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 6 March 2012: Renominated by Primary. 30 July 2012: Media reports indicate the Congressman will not run for re-election. 31 July 2012: Congressman LaTourette confirmed his retirement. The Republican Party will select a replacement nominee.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 15
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Steve E. Stivers
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 16
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman James B. "Jim" Renacci
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary
 ** Incumbents running against one another **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 18
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert Brian "Bob" Gibbs
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 6 March 2012 Primary: Congressman Gibbs is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 7.

Oklahoma  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 4 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Sullivan
Elected 8 January 2002 in Special Election for the term to begin 15 February, the effective date of the resignation of Steve Largent (who resigned to run for OK Governor). Representative Sullivan will take oath of office 27 February 2002.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Lost Primary / No Longer Running - 26 June 2012 Primary
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Frank D. Lucas
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election (to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Glenn English): May 1994
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas Jeffery "Tom" Cole
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman James Paul Lankford
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 26 June 2012 Primary

Oregon  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 4 Democratic, 1 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Gregory Paul "Greg" Walden
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 15 May 2012 Primary

Pennsylvania  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 7 Democratic, 12 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman George J. "Mike" Kelly, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Glenn W. "G.T." Thompson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jim Gerlach
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Patrick L. "Pat" Meehan, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael G. "Mike" Fitzpatrick
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William Franklin "Bill" Shuster
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected 15 May 2001 to fill the seat vacated by the resignation of Bud Shuster.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas Anthony "Tom" Marino
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 11
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Louis J. "Lou" Barletta
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 15
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Charles W. "Charlie" Dent
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 16
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Joseph R. "Joe" Pitts
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 18
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Tim Murphy
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 24 April 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 19
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Todd R. Platts
First elected: 2000
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 17 January 2012: Announced retirement

Rhode Island  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Democratic

South Carolina  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 5 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Timothy E. "Tim" Scott
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 17 December 2012: Media reports indicate Congressman Scott will be appointed by Governor Nikki Randhawa Haley (Republican) to the U. S. Senate.
The Congressman had been re-elected to the U. S. House on 6 November 2012. Renominated by primary on 12 June 2012 Primary.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Addison Graves "Joe" Wilson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First Elected 18 December 2001 in a special election to fill the seat vacated by the death of Floyd Spence.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jeff D. Duncan
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Harold W. "Trey" Gowdy, III
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

South Dakota  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Kristi Lynn Noem
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 5 June 2012 Primary

Tennessee  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 7 Republican, 2 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman David Philip "Phil" Roe
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 2 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 2 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 2 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Scott Eugene DesJarlais
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 2 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Diane Lynn Black
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 2 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Marsha Blackburn
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 2 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Stephen Lee "Steve" Fincher
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 2 August 2012 Primary

Texas  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 23 Republican, 9 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Louis B. "Louie" Gohmert
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Lloyd "Ted" Poe
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Samuel Robert "Sam" Johnson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary
 ** Uncontested Race **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Ralph Moody Hall
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected (as a Democrat) 1980; re-elected: 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002; filed to run for re-election as a Republican: 2 January 2004. Switched party affiliation to Republican 5 January 2004.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jeb Hensarling
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Joe Linus Barton
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Culberson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Kevin Patrick Brady
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael T. McCaul
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 11
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman K. Michael "Mike" Conaway
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 12
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Kay N. Granger
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 13
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Mac Thornberry
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 14
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Ronald E. "Ron" Paul
First elected in a special election to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Congressman Robert R. Casey: 3 April 1976; unsuccessful candidate for re-election: 1976; elected again: 1978; did not run for re-election: 1984; unsuccessful candidate for the Senate: 1984; unsuccessful Libertarian Presidential nominee: 1988; elected again: 1996
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Open Seat - 26 April 2011: Announced he was forming a presidential exploratory committee for 2012.
13 May 2011: Announced he is a candidate for President in 2012.
12 July 2011: Announced he will not run for re-election.
 ** Open Seat (no incumbent) **

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 17
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman William "Bill" Flores
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 19
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Randy Neugebauer
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election: 3 June 2003
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 21
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Lamar Smith
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 22
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Peter Graham "Pete" Olson
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 23
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Francisco Raul "Quico" Canseco
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 24
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Kenny Ewell Marchant
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 26
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 27
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 31
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman John Rice Carter
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 32
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Pete Sessions
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 29 May 2012 Primary

Utah  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert William "Rob" Bishop
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2002
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 21 April 2012 Convention

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 21 April 2012 Convention

Vermont  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Democratic

Virginia  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 8 Republican, 3 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert J. "Rob" Wittman
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected in a special election (re: the death of Congressman Jo Ann S. Davis): 11 December 2007
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - by party

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Edward Scott "Scott" Rigell
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - by party

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman J. Randy Forbes
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
2001 June 19: Elected in a special election to replace the seat vacated by the death of Norman Sisisky.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert Hurt
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - by party

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Robert W. "Bob" Goodlatte
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Eric I. Cantor
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 12 June 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 9
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman H. Morgan "Morgan" Griffith
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - by party

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 10
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Frank R. Wolf
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - by party

Washington  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 5 Democratic, 4 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Jaime Lynn Herrera Beutler
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Doc Hastings
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Cathy Ann McMorris Rodgers
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 7 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Dave Reichert
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2004
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
on General Election ballot - 7 August 2012 Primary

West Virginia  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 2 Republican, 1 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman David Bennett McKinley
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Shelley Moore Capito
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 8 May 2012 Primary

Wisconsin  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 5 Republican, 3 Democratic

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Paul D. Ryan
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary.
11 August 2012: Mitt Romney announced Congressman Paul D. Ryan as his running mate.

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman F. James "Jim" Sensenbrenner, Jr.
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Thomas E. "Tom" Petri
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 7
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Sean P. Duffy
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 8
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Reid J. Ribble
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 14 August 2012 Primary

Wyoming  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit.
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
Seat up for election
Republican Congressman Cynthia Marie Lummis
• Re-elected Tuesday 6 November 2012
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
Renominated - 21 August 2012 Primary

Political Parties    Parties appear in parenthesis and italics when a candidate receives the endorsement of a given Party and/or official sources indicate a candidate's association with a particular Party but only where the Party in question does not appear on the actual ballot as such.

Major Parties
  Democratic-Farmer Labor
  Democratic-Nonpartisan League
Major Third Parties
  Pacific Green
Other Third Parties
  American Constitution
  American Third Position
  Americans Elect
  Independent American
  Independent Greens
  Independent Party of Connecticut
  Independent Party of Oregon
  Liberty Union
  Natural Law
  Socialism and Liberation
  Socialist Workers Party
  Tax Revolt
  U.S. Taxpayers
  We, the People
  Working Families
  Wyoming Country
  No Party
  No Party Affiliation
  No Party Preference
  Nominated By Petition
  Non Affiliated
  Petitioning Candidate
Write-in/Scattered/otherwise not readily classifiable


  2012 General Election Home  
  President Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party  
  113th U.S. Senate Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party  
  Gubernatorial Popular Vote by Party  
  113th U.S. House Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party  
  Close Contests Summary - Decision by 2% or less  
  Contests Where No Candidate Received a Majority  
2012 Primaries and Runoffs for Statewide offices/Congress
  Alphabetically   --   Chronologically   --   Poll Closing Times  
General Election Poll Closing Times
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  Polling Hours  
  President (Details)     Governors     Senate     House  
  Senators by 'Class'  
  Governors by election 'cycle'  
  Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance   --   Senatorial Primaries at a Glance  
  Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them  
  Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with only one major party candidate running for office  
  2012 Partisan Composition by State  
  Political Parties  
  Senate Electoral Classes  
  Explanation of the Debate Scoring System  
  Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States  
  Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections re: Major Party Nominations for Statewide and/or Federal Office  
  Length of Terms of Office of STATE Governors throughout American History  
  Dates of U.S. Presidential Election "Events": 1789 to present  
Electoral College
  How Appointed  
  Meeting Place  
  Duly Appointed Presidential Electors  
  Tabulation Joint Session of Congress  
  Faithless Electors  
  Presidential Candidates  